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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

iheartfaces: Outtakes

When I saw this week's challenge was 'Hilarious Outtakes",
 I immediately thought of this picture from our vaction in Orlando this summer. 
I seriously pull this picture out whenever I need a laugh. 
We were trying to get a picture of all six kids in front of the vacation house.  
This is what happens when you try to get my three kids plus my three nephews to hold still for a picture:
I LOVE how the oldest "D" is posing so nicely while chaos is going on all around him:) 

If you want to see more laugh out loud outtakes head on over to iheartfaces:


Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

VEry fun.. Looks like a fun group of kids

Melissa G said...

How fun! Great shot!

Tamar SB said...

This is so adorable - I can see you laughing trying to get them organized!

Elyssa said...

I love this! They look like a rowdy bunch!

Katherine Schultz said...

Haha this is cute, and so fun looking! Love it, and love your blog :)

Check out mine if you get the chance...


JeffBoz said...

I have always enjoyed this pic!

Cathy said...

That is totally cute. What a bunch of characters. However, did you manage to get them to hold still for an actual posed picture? :)